Sunday, 25 October 2020

 Celebrating Desai Sir’s birthday at our very own ITI Street.

Birthday celebration of Desai sir under the tree canopy of ITI road. A great time spent with Desai sir and PDA family post lockdown. As all were stuck in lockdown, indoors and then definitely meeting after long time was great.
It was also a pleasure having the extended PDA Family on Zoom.
Image Source: PDA Team

Friday, 23 October 2020

 Journey of Aundh Neighbourhood over a decade

A glimpse of the journey over 10 years for creating a Healthy Hygienic and Humane Aundh Neighbourhood in Pune.
Phase 1 (2009) : The first step being the initiation meeting to discuss the design and concept for creating a public realm along ITI Road, Pune (500m) from Parihar Chowk to Gaikwad Nagar with Corporator Mrs. Sangita Gaikwad and Mr. Datta Gaikwad with PMC ( Pune Municipal Corporation ) & AVM ( Aundh Vikas Mandal ) and other residents of the neighbourhood.
Various meetings were also held on site between various departments, coorporator, citizens, police and other concerned people for critical decisions with respect to site.
Image Source: PDA Team

Monday, 19 October 2020

 Visit by Hon. CEO Dr. Kolte of Pune Smart City Development Corporation Ltd.

Visit by Hon. CEO Dr. Kolte of Pune Smart City Development Corporation Ltd. to the Aundh Smart Street which has been executed under the Pune Smart CIty Project. The ongoing work and progress was also reviewed during this visit. The site visit was attended by Corporator Mrs. Archana Musale , Adv. Madhukar Musale, Mr. Godbole (PSCDCL), Ar. Prasanna Desai and other members of the Smart City Project Management and Contractor's Team which executed this project.
Image Source: PDA Team

Saturday, 17 October 2020

 Journey of Aundh Neighbourhood over a decade

A glimpse of the journey over 10 years for creating a Healthy Hygienic and Humane Aundh Neighbourhood in Pune.
Phase 1 : Reclaiming the road edge for creating a public realm along ITI Road(500m) from Parihar Chowk to Gaikwad Nagar with Corporator Mrs. Sangita Gaikwad and Mr. Datta Gaikwad with PMC ( Pune Municipal Corporation ) & AVM ( Aundh Vikas Mandal )
Phase 2 : Exhibition cum Workshop “Streets for People by the People”
to take the designs in the public realm and a step towards people’s participatory approach with PVPCOA, Parisar, CEE, Corporator Mrs. Sangita Gaikwad and Mr. Datta Gaikwad, Aundh Vikas Mandal, Aundh Senior Citizens Association.
Phase 3 : Aundh Neighbourhood Redevelopment under the Smart City Mission in 2016 with the help of PMC - Pune Municipal Corporation, PSCDCL - Pune Smart City Development Corporation Ltd. , Corporator Mrs. Archana Musale, Adv. Madhukar Musale in association with IBI, Pavetech (Project Management Consultant) and Nikhil Construction(Contractor).
Image Source: PDA Team

Monday, 12 October 2020

Walkathon organised on 1st October 2020 at the Aundh Smart Street : ITI Road
An initiative of smart city mission organised by Corporator Mrs. Archana Musale and Adv. Madhukar Musale to motivate and encourage walking seamlessly at the Aundh Smart Street network. The walkathon was also graced by the presence of Hon. CEO (Pune Smart City Development Corporation Ltd.) Dr. Sanjay Kolte, Corporator Mrs. Archana Musale, Adv. Madhukar Musale, members of various NGO’s, Citizens and organisations in the Aundh Neighbourhood.
Photo credits : Corporator Mrs. Archana Musale and Adv. Madhukar Musale Team

Saturday, 3 October 2020

 COA Dialogues- Architecture: The current reality

A dialogue organised by Council of Architecture to understand the journey of Ar. Ashish Ganju from AA, London to his journey of working in the urban village of Ayanagar in Delhi.
Image Source: PDA Team