Saturday, 19 September 2020

 “Streets for the people and by the people” - Ar. Prasanna Desai at Z- Axis virtual conference.


At virtual conference organised by Charles Correa Foundation, Ar. Prasanna Desai talked on ‘Streets in the Neighbourhoods’ emphasising the role of an architect in the Public Domain with a people participatory approach focusing on Equity and Empathy to Evolve an approach in safe and humane neighbourhoods; Socially Shared Streets leading to creation of Healthy Hygienic Neighbourhoods.

Image Source: PDA Team

Friday, 18 September 2020

 Open Gym: Street Elements throughout PDA projects.


Gym does not have to be inside 4 walls, it can be in an open space also. People here are able to use the gym at any time of the day. They breathe the fresh air and also exercise at the same time. People of all age groups can use these gym equipment as they are designed considering all the age groups. Walking as a purpose streets can be used actively to spend quality time and engage in multiple recreational activities. Throughout this executed street various activities have been inculcated to make it an active and healthy urban realm.

Image Source: PDA Team

Saturday, 12 September 2020

 Raised Property Entrances: Street Elements throughout PDA projects


The entries and exits to properties have been raised to match the level of the footpath. A car has to traverse through different levels to enable the flow of pedestrians at one uniform level. Ramps are provided for every entry exit for the cars to manage the level difference.

Image Source: PDA Team

Saturday, 5 September 2020

 Feeder pillar enclosure with art work: Street Elements throughout PDA Projects


The MSEB feeder pillars all around Pune look dirty with advertisement bills stuck on them. Perforated sheets are put together to form a cage and painted upon with the help of Pune Biennale Foundation. The entire element is designed on soft area with a grass paver base, so that one can stand on the pavers while operating the services.

Image Source: PDA Team