Friday, 26 June 2020

 Street elements throughout PDA projects: Turning buffer(Kaan), Dustbins and Signages


Turning buffer (kaan) is used as a street design element to define the property entry- exits as well as the parking bays. It helps streamline the parking and keeps the property entrance free of idle parking. These soft areas are also used for installation of dustbins and signages as well as property identification boards.
Dustbins are provided at an interval of 50 m on both sides. The type of waste to be disposed of is segregated into two types, biodegradable and non-biodegradable and hence dustbins are colour coded with green and blue respectively.
All the required signages have been planned and executed as per the I.R.C guidelines that make the street user-friendly and well-functioning.

Image source: PDA team

Saturday, 20 June 2020

 Bremen Chowk Children Traffic Plaza , Aundh, Pune

As the whole country has entered into the Unlock phase and people have slowly started working in offices. We have also started slowly with the first site visit after the lockdown at Bremen Chowk Children Traffic Plaza.
These are some of site photos of Bremen Chowk Traffic Plaza.
Spaces and spaces everywhere, be it private be it public to be defined by the eyes of the viewer! Make it interesting for the public to come and see and interact rather than sit at an isolated home.Take a walk and learn the traffic rules at traffic plaza at Bremen chowk for the children under the tree canopy for the future. Visioning a public place for kids which teaches them traffic lessons is the whole concept of this project. Traffic plaza for kids from 5 to 15.
Picture credits :Team PDA

Friday, 19 June 2020


Executed Street Elements throughout PDA projects.
Concrete precast bollards have been provided at every entry-exits and pedestrian crossings to prevent vehicular movement on footpaths, enabling unhindered flow of pedestrians. Wheel chair access has been taken care of by providing a clear distance for a wheelchair to pass at each location. Concrete bollards are provided instead of the regular steel bollards as they are cost effective and solve the theft issue. Tile chips have been used at the base of bollards in order to achieve a perfect finish.
Picture credits :Team PDA

Friday, 12 June 2020

 Median executed at DP Road (A mall under the tree canopy), Aundh, Pune


These are few pictures of the median at DP road where the flowers are blooming. The concrete medians that are seen in Pune create a number of issues where people attempt to cross to the other side by jumping over the median or railings. The drivers tend to drive 1 foot away from the median as psychological effect that leaves a shy-away space. To eliminate this wastage of space and to ease the flow of vehicles, a green median has been proposed and executed with a central chain link. A mesh is fixed, on which the plantation is made to be grown. The shrubs eventually grips on it and forms a wonderful edge making the road look more vibrant.